Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trash Can Rain Barrel

The South Plains UWCD is hosting a Rainwater Harvesting Workshop in Brownfield on April 14th  at 6:30 p.m. The District will be teaching attendees how to build a rainwater catchment system out of a 44 gallon trash can. Participants will receive a free trashcan /rain barrel and will have the opportunity to paint their barrel at the workshop.

(please excuse our scratched off paint. We are working on the best paint solution and found it after I took these pictures)

In preparing for the upcoming workshop, we have been building our own trashcan rainwater barrel today in the office. We drilled holes in the top of the barrel and placed a screen underneath the holes.

We painted the rain barrel/ trash can purple and turquoise.

then  added a spigot to hook up a garden hose too

And that's it. I will post more detailed instructions once the workshop is over.

 If you are interested in attending the workshop please send me an email at savewater windstream net and we will put you on the sign up sheet. The last day to register is March 31st.

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