Thursday, November 17, 2011

PBUWCD Calendar Winners

PBUWCD Art Contest Winners
We have the results from the 4th annual Permain Basin UWCD Art Contest. The winners have received their cash prizes and certificates, so we are now ready for you to see their hard work.

There were four schools that participate in this years contest ; Elbow Elementary, Grady Elementary,Sands Elementary & Stanton Elementary. The judges, water district staff, and myself, enjoyed looking at all of the students' art work. It was interesting to see the water conservation message portrayed in so many unique ways.

The following picture was our grand prize winner this year. The student's picture will will be featured on the cover of our 2011 calendar.

by Ami Baeja, a student at Stanton Elementary

The following students' artwork will be featured on the monthly pages of our 2012 Calendar.

Chandler Densom; Stanton Elementary

Emma Rojas; Stanton Elementary

Hope Perez; Grady Elementary

Chloe Carey; Forsan Elementary

Cody Huitt; Forsan Elementary

Emily Garcia; Forsan Elementary

Kaylee Morgan; Forsan Elementary

Mikayla Arzate; Forsan Elementary

Montie Munsell; Forsan Elementary

Ryan Buske; Forsan Elementary

Samantha Raney; Forsan Elementary

Cassidy Rusk; Forsan Elementary

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