Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 South Plains Ag Conference

The 2013 South Plains Ag Conference proved to be yet another success as several producers from across the area attended the information-packed day of speakers and presentations. Educational programs filled the morning and afternoon sessions of the conference. 

Topics addressed included disease in cotton and peanut crops and the effect of drought on disease, cotton variety selection, updates on regulations from the Texas Department of Agriculture, water issues and the historical trend of water decline, sun safety, commodity updates from the Plains Cotton Growers and the Texas Peanut Producers Board, weed management and herbicide updates, profitability of 2013 crops and sorghum production benefits. The day wrapped up with program evaluation and CEU certificates. 

In addition to industry updates, the common thread of drought was echoed throughout many of the presentations. As drought puts strain on every aspect of agriculture, each of the represented industries addressed the uncertain outcomes for the 2013 production year, unless rain breaks the dry weather pattern seen in 2011 and 2012. 

Overall, the conference was all-encompassing and informative for those in attendance. For more information on the specifics of the water issues and water decline lecture, feel free to contact our office at 806.637.7467 or email us at 

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