Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Water Wise Landscape Workshop

The South Plains Underground Water Conservation District’s (SPUWCD) Water Wise Landscape Workshop took place, Saturday April 18th, at the First Christian Church in Brownfield, Texas. There were 25 in attendance to participate in the festivities. Booths were displayed from local businesses to showcase their gardening merchandise.

The morning began with the Education Coordinator, Crystal Hogue, giving a presentation on how to save time, money and water on your landscape.

Hogue was followed by Billy Kniffen, Agrilife Extension water resources specialist in Menard, Texas. Kniffen presented a two hour presentation on the importance of harvesting rainwater. He provided specific examples of rainwater catchment systems he has designed and implemented throughout the United States.

Kay Thompson, Master Gardner and program coordinator for Tom Green County, followed Kniffen on the topic of Xeriscaping. Xeriscape landscaping, by definition, is landscaping designed specifically for areas that are susceptible to drought or for properties where water conservation is practiced.

The workshop concluded with each person receiving a sprinkler gauge, rain gauge, and a copy of the 2009 SPUWCD Water Wise Plant Book. Door prizes were also awarded to all who came.

For more information on the Water Wise Landscaping Workshop you can email the Education Coordinator at savewater@windstream.net or visit the education website at www.savingh2o.org

-- Door Prizes --

--Booths --

Kay Thompson: Presenter
Billy Kniffen: Presenter

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