Monday, July 15, 2013

Shake, Rattle & Rainstick!

Last Friday I gave a presentation to the Martin County Library in Stanton. Being that we are still in a severe drought, I thought it might be good to make several rainsticks in hopes of receiving some rain. I think it might just work! Anyway, we talked about where rainsticks originate and how they have been passed down for generations. We read "The Rainstick, A Fable," and the kids really enjoyed it. After everyone learned what rainsticks were, we made our very own. Here are some pictures from the presentation. It was a blast!

The materials for the rainsticks: Duct tape, feathers, toilet paper holders, rubber bands and pinto beans.

Here are the ones I made. 

Everyone enjoyed personalizing their rainstick!

My favorite about this one is the "No Guys Allowed" sticker! haha. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why remember water this Fourth of July?

Remember this Fourth of July that water is in everything you eat and see! Whether you're eating watermelon or drinking lemonade, water made them delicious. Check out these three conservation tips:

1) When you're thawing meat for the big barbecue, pour the water used for thawing on a plant or tree outside.

2) Keeping drinks in a cooler for the picnic? Pour the ice and left over water on the lawn, rather than the sidewalk or street.

3) As you sit on the lawn for fireworks, know that every blade of grass took water to grow. 

Have a safe and happy fourth!